तेरा प्रसाद

याद है न वो दिन,
उसने फेंका था 
तेरा प्रसाद ,
तेरे उसी सिंहासन पर,
बैठा रहता,
तू मुस्कुराता ।
Sri Vishnu

क्यों लेता वह तेरा प्रसाद,
तू सुनकर चुप जो रह जाता,

आँखे खोल क्यों अंधा होता तू,
क्यों न सुनता उसकी वाणी ।
उस दिन, उसकी पगली के आँसु,
बस मिन्नतें करती रही,

चिथड़ों पर लेटी ।
और तू चुपचाप,
बस गिनता रहा दिन ।

हाँ, तू सुनता है ।
पर परीक्षा लेता है न,
तड़पाता है – देखता है न,
न जीने देता, न मरने देता ।
ले, कब तक लेगा परीक्षा ?

अबकी तेरी भी परीक्षा है ।

देख, वहाँ पगली को,
फिर जगती है, रातों को,
सुबह घुमती है, सड़कों पे,
आँचल पसारे ।
पहले भर दे तू,
फिर उसका आँचल ।
उसी दिन फिर लेगा वो,

फटे आँचल से तेरा प्रसाद ।

Life in swings

He couldn’t say all the things,
He couldn’t hide all the things,
Destiny’s play just playing.

Waiting for time to go,
Waiting for time to come,
Nature’s mystery just solving.

He could see her so close,
He could see her so far,
An unknown journey travelling.

Having all the strengths within,
Having all the weakness here.
Still inspirations creating poems.

Set me free

Set me free.
From all colors,
that painted my real me.

Set me free.
From all noises,
that overrule my songs.

Set me free.
From all religions,
that bind in customs.

Set me free.
From all boundaries,
that appear only on papers.

Set me free.
From all relations,
that don’t  follow with death.

Set me free.
From all promises,
that divide the humanity.

Glimpse & Silence

Though winds carry the tunes,
The love spreads in the dunes.

The sight is enough to make a smile,
Near is dear, making feel for a while.

It was our silence, making the sound,
Just a touch was soothing for wound.

When there lies no wish, beyond we,
Floating in silent eyes, sings there she.

ISKCON Bangalore – 2

At my Yoga Retreat Classes ( level -1 ) at ISKCON, on the first day, they showed my neglible status ( as well the whole class ) in the infinite universe through an audio-visual presentation and at the same time showed the importance of free will ‘the atma’ one have.

In my internal process of thought, there was an unusual turmoil. That was a different sunday, when the lecturers instead of making fun like my friends, used to motivate for introspection. On being asked about being a part of wrong event and the answer of the question”why should I suffer?”, they answered properly. The answer lied in bitter truth- I am responsible for that. (It was again the story of five horses and chariot …) Though the concepts of reincarnation taught in the class is still to be understood by me fully, preoccupied by modern science, but still the universal phenomenon of happenings being controlled by superpower could never be denied.

Then interactive discussions went on topic – “controlling by superpower and free floating free will – consequent sufferings and enjoyment “. Interesting point of discussion was “we remember the supreme, mostly in the hours of need, expectations and forget mostly in the hours of happiness”. To ease out again ,the answer came – the pains at one level is sanctioned for our goodness again. Unless the free will accepts its limitations and goes against the laws of nature, the level increases. In all situations ,the free will must dedicate sufferings to the same, who always provided the plenty of opportunities for enjoyment too.

Other post in the series : ISKCON Bangalore -1

होली की सुबह

होली की सुबह, आँचल का कोना दबाए ,
अँखियाँ बिछाये, एक सजनी सोचती है ,
कहीं दरवाजे पे आहट तो नहीं हुई ,
साजन को गये, शायद बरसों हो गये ।

काश वो आज आते, एक उपहार सजाये,
सासु माँ की नजर बचाकर, वो फिर कहते,
कुछ समझकर, बाकी अनजाने में,
“क्यों जी, आज फिर रंग जाएँ उसी रंग में । “

लाल-हरे, पीले-गुलाबी, दोनों रंग जाते,
सिर्फ साजन रंग दिखता आज आईने में,
गहरे रंगे गाल भी आज गुलाबी दिखते,
स्पंदित फिर काँप जाती देह बेचारी ।

आँगन की रंगोली को देखकर सोचती,
सखियाँ रंगोली में रंग भरेगी,
दोपहर देवर जी की भुतहा टोली पुकारेगी,
“भाभी जी, जरा बाहर आओ, आज होली आई है ।”

शाम को आवाज आती- “बहू माँ, बच्चों को बिठाओ”,
फुदकती वो फिर चाट-पकोड़ी, पुआ-पकवान सजाती,
बस हँसती और चिकोटी काट फिर बता देती उनको
“दीपू भाई, अभी तो दही बड़े बाकी ही हैं । “

अरे…. । दरवाजे पर सही में आहट हूई है ।

—09 Mar.’06 11:00 AM

Just Thinking….

To make a fun of other’s personality is easiest way to hide one’s own, reverse is most difficult.

To make a fun of happenings is easy, unless one is a part of that.

If words implemented in works make a man, only true love of mass acquired by, makes him a gentleman.

It takes a lot of personal sacrifice and austerity, before the power is bestowed to anyone.

Chiranjeev (Jeev) Milkha Singh

“Let not people say you are Milkha’s son. Let them say I am Jeev’s father” those are the words of encouragement Milkha Singh gave to his son when the child Jeev started the career in Golf. Unlike athletics, which almost ceases after 30, Jeev wanted a career which can be played for more time. Surprising is it went unnoticed for many that, Jeev’s mother Nirmal too was the captain of Indian volleyball team.

In the teenage days, I had read about Flying Sikh, Milkha Singh. His will power on practicing bare feetMilkha Singh and his failure (success of breaking a world record) at Rome Olympics by distance of 0.1 second for a bronze is still having lessons for Indian youth. Those times stories inspired me to be at least as an athlete, hence active in sports, enough for a shy guy. To me among all the sportsmen & athletes, he deserves a fine place.

Still on athletics circuit, the father is unsatisfied as he wants to witness an Indian athlete winning an Olympic Gold Medal.

His golfer son, Jeev’s fourth feat in a year, after clinching Nippon Series proved himself icon in Indian golf circuit. Today Jeev is in top 50 in the world golf ranking. Among lakhs of Indians, I too was waiting for this day as Milkha couples must have waited.

Jeev Milkha SinghMay be like almost all parents, Milkha’s wanted to see their dreams come true from their children, if they could partially fulfill them. The talent becomes rewarding when parents recognizes them and provide them abundant opportunity to grow. Wonderful is that, Mikha’s name as well winning attitude of parents is intact with Jeev’s personality.

Though Golf is not a common man’s sport in India, but the respect, money and ultimate satisfaction of hard work, Jeev acquired, and still is to achieve, is really brilliant.

The only thing in such Indians undefeatable is the attitude !