Who are You ?

“Who Am I ?” was my first post on my blog journey dated November 23rd, 2004. Yesterday this blog completed two years.

The internet based technology is my bread and butter. Its my lone technical love ( addiction) too. It rewarded me honestly, and I too kept the blog associated with my principles of identity. Flowers

During the journey, I learnt many things from my fellow bloggers with best possible transparency. I got connected to a good circle around, some became indispensable. My posts sometimes got praised well, was tolerated many a times and few were criticized with dignity. I am proud of my global associations here, specially the network of Hindi bloggers and consistent readers.

Some other things I learnt were the typing in Hindi. But adding to sorrow, I saw disappearance of some blogs and final disappearance of a blogger too.

I learnt to come out of a shell. Since my words are expressed on public place instead of my personal diary, they are half worth unless those can reach the heart and brains of audience. The best thing I learnt here is rationality in thought. Though emotional outcomes could not be checked, its impossible almost.

FlowersOn this occasion of celebration, I do hope to add new category of humour as per my Ma’s guidance. She thinks (me too) that, now a days with a loads of work and due to lack of understanding of feelings people are already stressed. They need something to smile back. On this Sunday, I am going to buy ingredients for preparing the (0 – 100%) guaranteed humour tonic. 🙂

Obviously, the journey started with self centric posts, later moved towards people around me. Hence as a mark of respect to all around me, this special post is dedicated to my readers.

Thank you, very much, my inspirations. Something kept me intact for two years, I do wonder, who are you ?

ऐसे हैं कुछ रिश्ते

वो कहते, भुल जाओ सब,
वो कहते, मोड़ दो राहें,
वो कहते, तोड़ दो रिश्ता,
वो कहते, किस्से हैं सारे ।

जानकर भुल गया सब मैं,
रंगीन दुनिया में खो गया,
हँसता- गाता, आवारा सो गया,
पर वह रात सपनों में आ गया ।

सुबह मोड़ दिया, रास्ता अपना,
अनजानी राहों पर निकल पड़ा,
भुल गया सारे गलियाँ रास्ते ,

वह अनजाने मोड़ पर दिख गया ।

फिर, उसे तोड़ दिया, टुकड़ों में,
फिर, बेजान टुकड़ो को पीस दिया,
देखा, वो धूल बनकर बिखर गया,
मेरी माटी में अमिट बस गया ।

ऐसे हैं कुछ रिश्ते ।