Mixed with Tears

Today, I found that my post on the Cauvery has been linked by Daily News & Analysis (DNA) as blogosphere buzz without my prior knowledge. Of course, its never needed ЁЯШЙ .

Its a mere casual backtracking that I reached there to my surprise. Though this post I wrote with a casual approach, and for the time being it feels nice to be selected as top 5 blog post on the issue, alongwith the write ups of hardcore bloggers Kamala Bhatt and Desi Critique in the page of DNA. This rewarding casual approach is the outcome of my serious thought on the inspirational lines of┬а presenting with the natural style of the write up to the readers .

“Mixed with Tears” , This is the abstract heading, DNA gave to my write up on ‘Dividing Cauvery Water’ ! Yes, they are correct to the 6th sense.