Sonific Widget

WordPress widgets ; And I added sonific to the right part of blog. Readers may find my taste of music and songs. Though, I have limitations of choosing the tracks available to their site only. May one or two of them you may enjoy, after patience of downloading time.

For getting this widget, one have to put Sonific widget on sidebar and register with Sonific site at the same time. Once you choose out the desired song at sonific, you will be given a code, that code need to be put in ‘Sonific widget properties’ from the blog’s control panel.

Be it free themes or additional widgets provided by sponsored companies, the business model of Matt(the owner of wordpress) is good one. Its the easyness of technology along with the promotion of sponsor’s services with due credit to technical expertise of wordpress team.

By the time, let enjoy the music.


आज संध्या प्रदीप या विश्वास का दीपक ,
हथेलियों के आगोस, तुम मुझे सहेज लेना ।

सुबह की नारंगी किरणों से पहले तुम प्रिये,
आज अँधेरी रतिया बस मेरे साथ हो चलना ।

आज मेरी अनुभूति और प्रेरणा हो तुम गोरी,
उन अधलिखे पन्नों पर तुम सो मत जाना ।

प्रेम देना तो तुमसे सीखा है – उस दिन मैनें,
मेरे असीम प्रेमगीत, तुम आँचल में भर लेना ।

जब मैं चुप हो जाऊँ गोरी, किसी एक संध्या,
चुपके से आकर, शाश्वत मेरी गीत बन जाना ।

Married life and one year…

And Pinky gave me the missed call. I guess I am the perfect victim when she needs someone to hear so many things ( including craps) with patience. After hearing I was in the market, she was suggesting me to sleep, eat and merry best in the bachelor life as long as its available to me. “Why?” I asked. It was something different than her talks she would have so many of complaints.

“Dada, you may have free (?) classes from me. All your marriage dreams and poems may be about one year, once married. Afterwards you will feel how responsibilities are coming one by one. ” – she told.

She has got some uncommon sense of humour always. By grace of God, they make a perfect couple. She continued -“See for the whole day I took care of the baby. Now your bro-in-law is about to come home. And I am going to act slightly angry for just two minutes, as he will ask the reason, and I will tell a fresh set of grievances. And as reply, with all new set of promises, he will try to make me happy and take the baby for rest of the evening. And your ‘bechara’ bro-in-law with hungry stomach and tired body, have to do his father’s responsibility as well as husband’s. His business expectations are keeping him more busy for the day. And at home, the promotions demand more time from him. All of his friends do complain that for one year after marriage, they were happy. Once they got family promotions, they talk about the golden life of bachelorhood !! ”

I was just listening her and thinking these woman are no different.

On the other front, I was feeling happy, as she understands the things in much matured way and how she is going to do the pretty tantrums once he comes back to home. I know he will be relaxed in reality.

Her unwanted lecture was really helpful for me today. As I got an answer to – my worries of settlement that I had today. There is nothing blissful than golden bachelor life. Though ‘one year’ and afterwards, where my poems will go, I am not sure but . Before “Delhi ke laddu(I mean Saadi ke laddu)” , its time to write few more poems…


Born with golden luck,
With qualities best,
Beyond jewellery,
Beyond promises,
Its a metal – Gold.

It was impure,
They purified it,
Under the temperature,
Really high.
They beaten it up,
With hammers,
Really hard.
They polished it,
With thin knives,
Really sharp.

For a while,
From outside,
It may have dust,
Near roadside.
But its pure,
Beyond looks.

Its gold,
Simply gold,
For the eyes,
That have sight,
Really worth.

Otherwise when,
Tested a gold,
For its purity,
Beyond limits,
Of the temperature,
It can bear.
Not a surprise,
In front of eyes,
And the eyelashes,
Just see turning,
Gold into golden ash.

Lady of Ajanta

She was not guilty, she was not proud. She couldn’t shout, she couldn’t exclaim but her silence spoke louder than words. She was a painted beauty on the stones inside the dark caves.

Wait for the fiction here next week. Keep watching…


हरा-भरा वह,
रसीला मीठा,
गन्ने की तरह ।

साफ किया उसे,
काट लिया जिसे,Sugarcane
गन्ने की तरह ।

मजबूत गोल बेलनों ने,
रस निकाला उससे,
गन्ने की तरह ।

फिर वहीं माटी में,
फेंक दिया उसे,
गन्ने की तरह ।

Mirage, Oasis and Songs

In the vast desert,
Traveled miles alone,
With dry lips,
Sunken cheeks,
With a bag ,
With gemstones.
He is a traveler,
Towards unknown.

Seeing the mirage-
Full of water,
Running fast,
Until the breath lasts.
And – nothing was there.
Like all the pasts ever,
Illusions do not last.

He asks the sun –
The reason behind,
Destiny’s strange fun.

Still – hopes for a bliss,
And a gentle kiss.
And he walks again,
For one fine day,
They say – there exists a oasis.
In the dunes,
Playing his own tunes.

Words for the Woman

Wishes for luck,
When she proceeds.

Warmth of a hug,
When she succeeds.

Winner is she,
What she believes.

Waxes and pink candlelight,
Wonderful are memories.

World seems be bright,
When fingers embrace four rings.

Wet are the hidden eyes,
When forever she leaves.

मेरी माँ आयेगी

जब पुछा मैनें उनसे –
माँ तुम कब आओगी ।

कहती फिर मेरी माँ,
प्यार से डाँटकर –
“बिलकुल न जाऊँगी,
चुल्हे-चौके फिर क्यों,
अब भी मैं ही करूँगी ।”

नहीं मानती मेरी माँ ।
बड़ी मिन्नत की है मैनें,
झुठे – सच्चे वादे किये फिर ।
कहा – एक बार तो आजा ना,
फिर तेरी जैसी मर्जी, वैसा करना ।

खरीद रखे हैं मैनें,
उनकी साड़ी के स्टैंड,
उन पर कुछ धुले नये साड़ी,
रसोई में कुछ और बरतन,
कुछ नये पुजा की थाली,
कोने में कुछ फुलदान ।
आने वाली है शुभ एक घड़ी,
द्वारे पर लगाई, मैनें फुलों की लड़ी ।

खरीद रहा हूँ –
उनके लिए एक पलंग,
जमीन पर न सुलाऊँ उनको ।
और फिर खरीदे हैं ,
एक टीवी और कुछ सी डी ।
कुछ बहाने भी तो नहीं बनते,
पता है ये बातें न कर पायेगी ।
और यूँ ही कुछ दिन बीत जायेगी ,
फिर कल जब मेरी माँ आयेगी ।

गमलों में मैं पानी देता,
देखता नये कोपलों को,
आशाओं सी पलती बढ़ती ।
लगता है –
खिलेगी सारे गुलाबों की कली,
जब कल आएगी माँ मेरे गली ।

Nothing but attitude counts – Freshers’ software jobs

For last more than 8 months, this never met brother of mine, (another IGNOU student) was my second ‘scolded’ fresher in the job market. First one ‘Pra…’ is happy with her Accenture job.I like to associate myself with these guys, whenever I find time. What I see in these guys / girls- is their attitude to come up all odds and the tendency to win and win. Best organisations need ‘only’ them.

Here is the letter of the same guy I received now. Same feeling arose after receiving ‘Pra…’ SMS “Bhaiya, I got a job in Accenture ! “. And I almost jumped my seat. She got the job, few days before she was about to return back to UP.

For the time being, I am reproducing unedited letter received today for other freshers to read, though ‘Abhi..’ never knew this letter will go public ever ….

Hello Dada,
I have a very good news. I have gotten a job over here at Noida in CSC
(Computer Sciences Corporation) at the position of SAP Basis Administrator.
The Company shall provide all the necessary training and for that i had to sign
off a bond of two years with the firm.

Dada I owe you a lot, it’s because of you that I have been able to aquire
this job. It’s your motivation and guidance because of which I have been able to
prepare, revise and learn many different technologies simultaneously and it’s only
because of this reason that it didn’t take me long to revise Oracle based on which
this interviw took place. In the last whole month I appeared in atleast 3 rounds
of technial interviewin this firm and finally I got selected. My office is also
now very close from my residence. In a way it is very good that I didn’t have to
relocate to Bangalore coz my parents require my attention here a lot more than ever
now. My father especially coz he has been put on Insulin Shots since last two months.
I have only one regret now I wanted to meet you in person which didn’t happen. But
I am sure it will happen soon some time. Dada if you ever happen to cook some plan
of coming over to Delhi even for once please let me know. I am very eagerly waiting.
Also if I ever happen to visit bangalore or surrounding area’s ever I will most
certainly intimate you, and we will meet. ok dada. Please keep in touch. By the
way, I forgot to ask you dada. How is everything going on? How is everyone in your
family doing? please reply soon. waiting eagerly to hear from you.


Hope none goes unguided. Few more guys are under construction…