Mirage, Oasis and Songs

In the vast desert,
Traveled miles alone,
With dry lips,
Sunken cheeks,
With a bag ,
With gemstones.
He is a traveler,
Towards unknown.

Seeing the mirage-
Full of water,
Running fast,
Until the breath lasts.
And – nothing was there.
Like all the pasts ever,
Illusions do not last.

He asks the sun –
The reason behind,
Destiny’s strange fun.

Still – hopes for a bliss,
And a gentle kiss.
And he walks again,
For one fine day,
They say – there exists a oasis.
In the dunes,
Playing his own tunes.

Words for the Woman

Wishes for luck,
When she proceeds.

Warmth of a hug,
When she succeeds.

Winner is she,
What she believes.

Waxes and pink candlelight,
Wonderful are memories.

World seems be bright,
When fingers embrace four rings.

Wet are the hidden eyes,
When forever she leaves.