Remembering Everyone Today

Remembering you, Ma,
For this day, for all your pains,
Leading to your joys.
Your questions to ‘Her’ !
Exact day, exactly answered !

Remembering you, Baba,
For this day, of your happiness,
Leading to your completeness,
Your links of traditions,
Your support of today.

Remembering you, Mausi ji,
For this day, for all your promptness,
Leading to my post natal care,
Your hopes for good tips,
For sisterly care for the lone lady.

Remembering last three decades,
For this day, all the growth,
Leading to an human identity,
Everyones’ hopes for me.
For all, I still need to give them back.

Remembering Everyone Today.

4 thoughts on “Remembering Everyone Today”

  1. @ wordpressblogger,
    Be you a just commenting progam of a human or a real human , thank you !

    @ Juneli,
    Thanks a lot 🙂 . Yes, and you was able to touch the new born poem baby right.


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