Kyoto Protocol – got effective?

Read this post in continuation to my earlier post “Sell me your sweater” . After all the protocol and treaty got effective from 16th Feb. 2005 10.30 IST. A total of 141 countries have signed EXCLUDING USA and Australia. Their argument is that the protocol will put unnecessary economic burden on them. The protocol, which is meant to lower down the global warming and the emission level to 5.2 % by 2012. Now when Russia ratified the treaty, the pull back step of prime polluter USA as well as Australia can’t be justified in global perspective. Although the environmentalists’ movement will start to make them sign too, India should also give diplomatic pressure on USA for signing the treaty. The world Guru seems to hide own dirty face along with a brother. And unless they too sign the treaty, the feasibility seems to be only partially fulfilled.

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