Again a puzzle !

If life is a puzzle,
Today, I am lost somewhere.

In the maze,
Somewhere, I got trapped really..

Some lending hands,
Again with love, coming down, to take me out .

To some, I give,
With my love, to walk along.

Why I can’t say yes ?
But how dare can I say ‘no’ ever !

I just wanted,
Red roses, everone pluck, without pains.

The puzzle of love,
No hatred at all, anywhere, for anyone.

Some selfishness, if there,
That will come with tears one day sure.

I am fortunate today,
They can see me beyond looks.

I am at best, I can be,
Hiding the garbage, with flowers.

I smile my best,
With my all tears and pains inside.

Anyway, I shall live it,
For the great episode of God’s play.

This is a transition,
Once in life, never knew, how long it plays.

Still the puzzle worries me,
Who was coming, towards temple that day ?

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