
Waiting for the moments,
Touching the flowers,
Petals – pink and soft.
Breeze of breaths across.

His garden green.

Waiting to hear the twitters,
Over the tree branches,
Little bird swinging them.
And playing with leaves.

In –
His Reality or Dream.

Waiting for the scent,
Of the blossoms,
Each morning fresh.
As the thousand roses around.

In – His Oasis in the way long.

Picture Courtesy: http://artfiles.art.com

Photo of Lily..

Casting: That evening, little did the smart ladies, knew that in the shopping mall, their voice was loud enough to reach the audience. And the audience knew their dialect very well.
First Lady:

“You know – hearing the words of mother – he immediately jumped off Sofa . And when her mother said – “Beta, it have been long time that I have seen the photo of Lily – Can you send me one photo of you and Lily?”
“Where as he does not moves out of Sofa for three days !” – She added.
“Nipun got up the sofa and dressed up and went to the photo lab. Within two hours he was back with washed photos. I was surprised. Next day while leaving for office, he sent the photos to Yadavpur (Kolkata) by Courier. He did not washed the photos of our honeymoon even after long time and even when I said. And after hearing the Mothers word’s he jumped from Sofa……. How much Nipun Changed in three years of knowing me in Bangalore! Before how much he used to just love me. Everything changed now. How do I feel..
You know that old lady when fells sicks – its seems that she is almost going to die. Every time she fells sick – it seems that  this time she will die…

Second Lady:

Oh that party.. All had nice Maal (drink) …
You know na what Kushal did -She did not wanted to take me for the outings..To save money. But when his father came – He took him to Pondicherry tour. Would you believe…
You know what they think… I am brainwashing you…
And my mother-in-law… Pathetic…. I will not be silent unless I get her the air of prison. You know what …. one case of Domestic violence, if I put – they will be behind bars. Just only what need to be done is give a statement of domestic violence and first thing police will do is arrest the entire family.


First lady is paying her bill by Meal Pass.
First Lady: Would’t you buy anything?
Second Lady: No.. I just came to have some Puchkas ( Pani Puris)……
Audience was shocked to see one another world of-in-Laws-inside-out.