Wake Up Sid !!

Get Smart was the first movie I saw in Bangalore – that too after “Please watch a movie arrangement” done by “P”.

And Wake up Sid – was my first movie I saw with my Dear. In the movie Sid (Ranbir Kapoor) wake up within 3 hours – but I took few months to wake up and still half awake ЁЯЩВ . Waking up for blog writing – movie watching – TV watching – and having some fun of life.

One weekend, she picked up the movie CD from the Landmark – “The pursuit of Happyness” for me – to Watch. So after a proper planning of not going out- we sat to watch the movie. We saw it – An excellent movie – worth buying a movie CD !

Then only I knew there exists some actor called -“Will Smith” – to her utmost surprise. Yeah – I have been very poor guy in watching movies – especially English movies.

Now a days – I am missing her presence and her home making efforts. So sometimes I do miss my carelessly kept TV remote too. Hence switching on the TV manually means – running a single channel – mostly movie channel – and one after one movies keep playing in background – while I am sitting with my another love – my lappy. Not to be surprised that during last one month I might have seen some 3 movies on TV – the number of movies, I have not seen in last 3 years of purchasing TV.

At the end note : It was 60th republic day of India. And Sid was sitting alone in the houseful PVR ! He was the last Idiot in his known circle – to see the movie “3 Idiots” – that too after being insisted by his wife to watch her favourite actor’s nice movie.

No worries.. Sid is waking up… ЁЯЩВ

Those seeds…

Over the mountain
Or in the Dense forest,
Descending seeds of tree.
On the mother earth.

With the rain drops-
They do grow.

Hopes of color,
In the bright dawn,
With Breeze of east,
They do grow.

Hidden under
The Carpet of dry leaves,
Near the trunk,
Safe and sound.
They do grow.

The cold nights.
And awaited mornings,
Safe in earth’s womb.
In the beautiful nature
They do grow.

Img Courtesy :http://www.disciplesofchrist.us/