Tribute to Olive Riley – World’s oldest blogger

My Tribute to World’s Oldest blogger. OLIVE RILEY.  Her original blog is  She just inspires us to keep blogging…

To Olive
Nothing remained.
Your body buried down.
So your fingers,
Played on keyboard.
Deep into the earth.
The sound is lost in the air.
The sweat and tears,
Of yours,
Tastes nothing..

But you are alive,
In words, Images,
Beyond the body,
Beyond the boundary,
Of nations,
As memories,
In the mind of readers.

You –
The someone,
Who waited for comments.
Will not await.
But the memories,
Words, and feelings,
– We did shared ,
That we do carry.
We will carry.
And the journey
Will go on.. go on…..
Go on…
Till we all meet
There in stars….
