Keep Growing This Way

The month of july, and I stopped regular blogging. These months have been involved with a lot of learnings. Actually if I say turnings then its better. Suppose this life is full of zig-zag paths and we do travel on it. And for many, its mostly containing straight roads.
I am not lucky to have straight roads. But self satisfied with whatever I got. And the good thing is as the turnings came and as one see at the end of turnings there comes beautiful things unexpectedly.

To people like me, the good thing is that, when you don’t follow the world of conventions and customs, you have to take some difficult path that too alone. Wait ! actually as a person you are not alone, there is someone or are some people for whom you desire to work for and choose the path. At the end of those path, when you have worked for them and you need to leave them at the end. Although it becomes difficult to leave them from their side as well as own. But departure becomes necessary for the greater mass. And as you take another turn with their blessings, all the good wishes works like fountain from the bottom of their heart. At the departure, the emotions mixed up with their unstopable tears ( believe me) they become pearls of the path.

You know, what they tell you -“Keep growing this way”. And there is great strength in this line. They understand that you have choosen the zig-zag path to helping them out. And when in the next path, when you tread forward, it works wonder.

I am in Bangalore for last 18 days and back to blogging.