Gym – Jam – Jingles

Walking on the metro roads, I see a whole variety of things. The things of my concern, which seems to attract my attention most.

It has been more than 3 years that I left pumping irons, that gave me extra pounds. And as a after-effect of leaving the regime, the same 65 kgs got distributed in a bit uneven proportion. Now its again fine to sweat out in a place that is just next to your doorstep :). It takes a lot to comeback to life of your desire with a hope that it must continue at least to remain physically fit.

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Jam1: Traffic ( terrific duty ) police of Bangalore. Many a places they wear monkey type air filters to cover the nose to inhale filtered air ! They are doing the job of maintaining traffic swift on the injured roads with the load of increased number of vehicles, in harmony of carefree cattles.

Jam2: Jam is a Urdu word means liquor. The party invitation again reached me. The menu again contains three types of liqours with a suggestion to add more things. Not only the liquor but the theme of the party matters. Probably the party and the attraction can be avoided as routine work. I prefer remain in home and sip Lassi here :).

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I raised my head and the wind – chimes on the fouth floors were singing jingles. The friends who know the sound wave dynamics/ feng sui can better explain why the sound is pleasing and sooths the nerves. Hope my house will also have such chimes hanged around.

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