To my blog inspirations

The blog has covered a journey of more than one year. The birthday went off unnoticed . Anyway I saved all the birthday party expenses.

Presently I feel, its utmost important to me to recapitulate the events that led me to writing. All the times when I received appreciations and sometimes beautiful criticizes too, for my writings, I felt nice and encouraged. My writings had a cascading effect from the people around me and some of the well known authors and of course an excellent school teacher, my dear Maa.

My office boss, Sujay sir, better to say my elder brother, have many published Hindi articles in many magazines. The ground to earth man with an excellent attitude to think on the topics and analyze them impressed me. Last year once when my friend, Sanjay took out a topic of national importance for discussion on the net. I had ideas but could not gather them properly, so could not present my views. By the time my friend Prashant well wrote on the topic and let every one read on the group. The key was found. The ideas, he picked up were almost same as I wanted to say. But key was he took a strong point first, explained the details and added some another points and at last summed up it with another stronger point. By the time I saw Jaya’s blog too. Although the topics she touched ranged vastly but she had the ability to give sufficient reasons behind everything she wrote. In school, jokingly, I participated in a story writing competition after coming straight from the playground and after being forcefully insisted by respected Pandey sir, who used to teach Hindi. After few days, I knew that I was third. That meant that I had writing ability, may be at least of the third grade :-). Moreover for debates and extempore speeches, I am ready always since my school life.

So it was no looking back. I sat with my pen to write and created this blog and waited for comments. By the time Jaya’s suggestion came that one should keep writing without caring for them. I kept writing to sharpen my nib.

To none of my inspirations, till date I told them the fact. And one day when once my office boss told me, while casually seeing my Hindi poems on my laptop himself told that, these can be sent to the editors for publishing, I blushed. When Prashant again after seeing one of my writing told that I write well and presented that on our teacher’s website, I was again happy. At our alumni forum, one of my excellent friend, told me that my writings have confidence, I got really more confident. Some were traveling with me continuously and encouraging me among them were Manish ji, Silky ji, Alka ji, Sandeep ji, Piyali, Debashis da and more. To walk in a group has been an excellent experience for me.

Thanks a lot again my cohorts and inspirations, who are on an unknown mission which is very positive in nature. How nice it feels that the first day introduction meet remains same always.

4 thoughts on “To my blog inspirations”

  1. First of all Happy Birthday to your Blog. so you are becoming ahppy b’coz you saved all the birthday party expenses but my party is still due. LOL.

    Nice to know all about your journey regarding your writing. Yes, you write very well and you have the ability to say them with right words. Keep it up.

    Hope we can read more and more from you.

    Thanks a lot for mentioning my name too 😀

  2. Silky ji,
    Okey… sending you some e-Selrotis and e-sweets to share with your family. Will only these work ? 🙂

    It’s more than a surprise that you still remember to visit your continuous reader’s blog. Hope sometime very soon you again start writing .

    Thank you Silky ji and Piyali. Hope you shall find more toned writings here again..

  3. Happy belated birthday for your blog, Prem. I missed the party!

    You write very well. I am myself inspired by articulate thoughts and expressions. So keep doing it.


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