Canvas of Life

When we are in dreams,
We see seven colors of rainbow.

When we do cry sad,
We see black blanket around.

When we are in love,
The pink wings cupid do wear.

When we are victorious,
The rising sun spreads yellow.

At the temple corridor,
We see the vast blue sky above.

Sitting sad when in corridor,
Purple flower brightens our face.

When we do grow old,
Our gray hairs walk as friends.

There are so many colours –
Painted –
On the canvas of life .

Every morning we get up,
With a sunrise yellow.

Tint of pink on the face,
Looking our pink hands.

We color the day,
With the colors borrowed in dreams.

Sometimes we draw the lines,
The way we wish.

But the pictures comes up,
Something we did not dreamt.

Sometimes sprays of colors,
Sometimes the patch of red, blue and black.

Trying to fade some colors,
Trying to deepen some else.

Trying to make it beautiful
Seeing them turning ugly.

Hiding some strokes,
Showing some lines,

Each of us,
Do sketch the life,

With the colors bought,
borrowed and stolen,

We paint the picture of life
On a big Canvas..