O’ My Woman

O’ My woman,
Let me sing a song,
That wil vibrate,
Round the year.
The woman’s day,
Which is over today.

Like all days,
You are back,
With your old routine.
And the very morning,
Taking care of me.
Offering a cup of me.

Serving your life –
Each moment on the earth,
Giving me birth,
Giving me inspiration,
Giving me support,
Giving me love,
Everyday –
I am indebted.

O’ My woman,
You gave me,
Whenever I needed.
Whatever I needed.

The supportive words,
Holding my hands,
When I was down.

The caring soft bosom,
My head rested upon,
When I was sick.

You made me smile,
Scolding and encouraging,
When I cried in night.

O’ My woman,
May the praising words,
Are never enough for you.

Many of things,
Abstract ones –
I can’t return back.

But the woman of world,
When you need me,
May I know it before.
Well before.

O’ My woman,
Lets walk together,
Sharing everything,
Of the universe,
That I thought –
Only its mine.

Might we can feel, together,
How this world –
Is great –
Just because of you.

Photo credit : To the respective owners.