Life’s Changing Tunes – 2

And one day I was waiting for my turn to come for Project viva, in Vikash Bhawan, Kolkata. There were others friends of mine. We talked about the projects, next job prospects and so.

My turn came for interview. After the formalities, the evaluator said me to pick up my project from a pile of projects. ( Later I knew only that evaluator did so, others were specifically seeing the projects and calling the candidates) . I went down with my poor spirit. So hard worked project, not seen specifically. He asked introduction of project, and some code related things. I answered them to my satisfaction.

His face did not reflect the “happiness” – so do I could not reflect that back. But I guessed at worst , first class I will get. The project guide little knew that the small project was running as live on internet. And from hard got money from Ma I did that.

I came back to home, in a mood to return back to Bangalore, where I did my project. Though that was planned earlier too. I had some days before I could wait for project results and final degree. I went to relatives house, to say them bye – as from then I will not have comfort of timing. I did spent a full week at Nani’s place. Where I did corrected the Nani’s phone as well as the telephone connections of village, as one tree had fallen down on thick telephone cable to disconnect the village with outer world. They still know me as Telephone Engineer. Ha ..ha..

The social work was done. Enjoyed fish-curry and rice cooked by Nani and after some days went to Kadwa, and spent days again. I was better satisfied with the village environment compared to Hi-fi Bangalore. Not sure about what I will do in Bangalore in software industry, I did not bothered too. But there were some kind of inferiority complex , my few friends were working in companies.

Work for company.. the word itself make me feel as labour class. I thought, may if I get a govt job thats better. I had applied for a govt job too. But I knew very well. Bihar – job and honesty does not remain together. Whether you want to join a job or be in the job. So I was sure that as I had to go Bangalore for a job, may be thats a high labour class job…..

Life’s Changing Tunes -1

Life sings, as you play the life’s keyboard.

While playing, it changes the tunes of life, and makes the ultimate song, as per you stroke the keys. But many a times song changes its own tunes, in spite of the fact that you seemed to press the right key.

My Parker is missing now a days (this was second one) so found again the keyboard , in fact querty board, which will note down the tones of life, which I wish show off or share with you. Its the right time to this right thing, as life always wants something more . Munnabhai bole to – “Yeh life maange more :)” Though chronological presentation will delay the writing, so at first I will write as it comes to memory. Later on the arrangement may be done.

To start with, there were the morning at NIMHANS, sharp 9 AMs, where I was a project trainee. Sunday and Monday did not make any difference as per my own choice. The work was at my best and to the satisfaction of my guide. I wanted to make a research kinda project work, instead of doing like “cut-copy- (modify)- paste job” of many of the computer science students’ project. Yeah I heard about IITians too, who has mastered this art (not science) . I was working hard at lab – yeah the same technology I have mastered today for bread and butter. The days passed on. And I had to submit the report. I submitted my report, in want of best marks. And one day I was waiting for my turn to come for Project viva…

Morning Lights

Again in morning, the sky will glow,
After the silent wee hours,
East, there will be sunrise in the snow.

In sunrise, the freezing ice will melt,
After the wake-up nights, on cheeks –
The warmth of stream will be felt.

In those streams, her feelings will flow,
And on horizon, where sky meets the earth,
The golden stream will glow.

On the hill’s curves, daily Orchids will bloom,
And say – “Even for few days, we grow to cheers,
One day, shed ornaments, we sleep to gloom.”

And to near the hill’s springs.
As you will walk, in the still dark forest,
May you hear, the birds will sing.

Every morning you will hear, after dark night,
The words of the hill’s birds-
“The vast darkness always gives way to light.”