Her Marriage – The Final Question

She is my beloved younger sister -Pinky. On 20th feb., she left our home to start her rest of life’s journey towards unknown horizon.

At the last moment before she was about to leave, I was determined that I along with hers control myself. Since childhood, whenever I see her face with tears, she looks like just another kid. Before marriage, few times I used to make her laugh telling that “I shall carry two buckets to fill up your tears, if you cry at the time of bidai”. Hearing this, she used to smile and didn’t tell anything to me. I knew how she can be kept at ease.

The moment was to arrive. As the hour of bidai ( departure) was coming near, the gift’s lorry was being packed, knowingly, I kept busy myself with other works and tried to remain for least time with her. Just before bidai, we have a aashirwadi (blessings) ritual, when elders bless the couple near to puja place. And someone called me to do aashirwadi for them. As I was doing final blessing for the couple, her eyes filled up – she already started weeping. Like past many times, I wiped off the continuous flowing pearl drops. Controlling myself, I tried to check her emotions too. I told her the joke, I used to say her often. “Hey, shall I carry again two buckets?” – holding her beautifully decorated cheeks with my palms.

“You have been consoling me since childhood; still today you shall do so? Brother, who else like you could console me after now?” – She was out of control and started crying.

I was speechless. Holding her neck close, that day I didn’t have words to solace her more.

How could, I say that the life partner, I have finalized for her, shall be like me? Though I am sure about her husband and his family, I left the answer to the Almighty.

We were searching for the answer in our tears….