WTO and Kamal Nath

The average Indian is not aware of Hong Kong WTO resolution. Kudos our Minister for Commerce and Industry Mr. Kamal Nath ,who took lead on behalf of developing countries and persuaded them towards free trade in banking and telecommunication. On behalf of these countries, the import restrictions reduction and making a point of lessening the subsidy on agriculture by developed countries leading to zero subsidy were remarkable steps. Unlike Kankum and Doha submit this summit of WTO at Hong Kong got something at least for long term benefit. Although the important point to note is that it was give and take negotiation with 30 hours debate magic.

Thanks God, he is not among the Operation Duryodhana's MPs.

A White Dove

O Dove, I don’t have bed of roses.
Not the golden cage.

O Dove, I don’t have the sweet grams here.
Not the green peas.

O Dove, I don’t have the sweets songs,
We are tribal.

O Dove, setting you free, just free.
From bondage.

O Dove, keep flying across sky,
Across the boundaries.

O Dove, if you fall tired,
Thick grasses, I grow here.