Bloggers’ translating efforts

Blogosphere have abundant novice writers like me who can appear as translator too. Unlike professional translators, I may have immaturity in translating the material of other language into English. The critiques start appearing but does that mean that I should stop doing so?

In our Indian subcontinent, we have a legacy of writings by the spiritual and literary marvels. In all the languages spoken at the sea shores of Kanyakumari to mighty Himalayas and from Gulf of Kuchh to the state of rising sun, we have a lot of excellent materials worth reading and capable of motivate our thinking. We have icons ranging from Thiruvalluvar to Bhanu Bhakta and Kabirdas to Najrul Islam. To our advantage, English can be used to translate all kinds of their creations, of course with limitations.

Many of us, with our precious time and painstaking efforts do such translations. The reason behind such efforts is to make the material more understandable for the broader range of readers. Now the appreciators are good to encourage us. On the other hand, there may be critiques too. In such cases, it’s better to request them to come up with improved versions of translations.

In the same context let me reproduce a doha .

निन्दक नियरे राखिये, आँगन कुटीर छवाय,
बिन साबुन पानी बिना, निर्मल करे सुहाय ।

Keep and take care of the critiques, if possible make a hut for them in front of your home. They shall clean and polish your personality without using any soap and water.

During our blogging efforts, such literary contributions, if translated, gives the satisfaction of work. Perfection needs consistency and relentless efforts. If started today, say after 20 years, we shall reach the maturity level, I do hope so. Currently we shall be satisfied with our efforts of understanding and reproducing the literary gems.

May the coming generations make a better structure on the foundation laid today.