Sri Ganeshay Namah

And today I got up very early. I got some peaceful morning hours to blog, as Shubh is sleeping. And this is the right time, when I should get up as per Ma. In fact we remember, that the very mornings, when we used to be sleep, Ma used to study for her graduation and masters and also complete the morning chores.

I am starting to post the photos of Shubh and Dear first time on the blog. Lets share a photo that was snapped on Ganesh Puja, that was arranged for the first time behind D’s flat. He is wearing the dress given by Ravi bhai.

Mar 25, 2011

Shubh Yatra

Shubh turned one year on 12 March with a very simple in house ceremony. And the whole year went on with prayers for his well being. Protected or say hidden, loved and cared in the nest for this whole year. Never knew the life changes this way, when there are eyes which talks to you a lot.

Everytime I take out laptop, he loves to be around and pull up the keyboard’s keys. Shift key is shifted! Few days back camera lens struck, when he tried to hold the zooms. My gadgets are now on risk zone, as to him all electronic goods look the next toys in hand. Anyway, wishing all the electronic items good luck, let me do some blog writing, keeping shubh nearby.

Few days back, he have learned how to cross the main door of house(chaukhat)! Shubh Yatra! God bless you.