
When a child is to born,
Everyone awaits outside,
To cheer up .

Inside –
The Mother cries-
In a room – isolated.
Of pain – immense.

The womb ruptured after,
Nine months of attachment,
Those days she have felt –
Each moment the foetus,
Safe and growing.
She loved it.

Then it comes –
The moment of detachment,
A new relation will be born
And she will be the mother.
But she cries of pain.

Every birth demands-
A pain – immense.
Only the Mothers do feel.

May be its the transition..
May be..
May be..
Only she knows.

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The Friend Forever !

Do you hear the sounds,
At the distance – the twitters.
Can you decipher the meanings-
The flipping wings says something !

Do you feel the rhythm in you,
Of those dancing bodies.
Do you feel the sync,
Of the vibration of the souls.

Can you see the light of – a blink,
On the old woman’s face.
Can you see the pains in,
The natural smile of a slum boy?

Do you follow the dreams –
Of some other’s eyes too.
Do you read the pains –
Hidden in your friend’s smile.

Do you shed few tears,
When you don’t understand,
Why do I return late ?
When time seemed long.

Come, hold my hand.
Feel the warmth,
Sitting silent together –
You are my friend
forever .