When Her Mirror Lied…

“Tring ! Tring !!”

And as promised to Priyangini, Abhilash returned early from office. They had to go for Kushagra’s reception that day.

After tea, he changed the office dress to party wear. And all this hardly took ten minutes for him. He knew that Priyangini will take long to get ready.

After marriage for few months, he used to get irritated about the prolonged famous ladies make up. But as their understanding grew up, Abhilash now-a-days did not had complains against her now a days. His life had changed after his marriage. He knew the well kept dresses in the wardrobe makes feel of Priyangini everywhere. Otherwise he recalled his bachelorhood room – cloths, socks, newspapers and cigarette butts spread every where.

So knowing about the time available, he sat on his laptop for some essential presentation for next day meeting.

She was getting ready in her merino blue colored embroidery silk. On her complexion, not many colors used to suit her. The fact was, that day she took a lot of time to choose a Saree for herself. Afterall it was the reception of Abhilash best friend Kushagra. She sprayed the gifted french perfume ‘Esense’.

For Priyangini, ‘Esense’ had some memories embedded into, so its fragrance always made her smile.

For today’s party she got her facial done two days before itself. With the diamond ring on ring finger, that was gifted on last valentine, she was feeling complete. It was her first time or better to say her first opportunity when she can display her diamond to others.

They reached the Hotel GreenGold. She got down the car, walking steadily. Once again thought came to her – may others say “You are looking beautiful.” And she wore a big smile, the only asset in her whole appearance apart from her height.

Being a self conscious person, she knew well that she was not as beautiful as other corporate ladies present there. To describe Priyangini, she had a big nose on the wheatish face, dotted with left over pimple marks, and the short dry hairs – which she used to cut often to keep away parting ends. At party she could not use heavy specs too – but the marks on nose were obvious.

On the other hand Abhilash was a perfect tall gentleman. And in party wear, he looked like a smart university student again.

Priyangini’s friends used to poke her – “What magic you played on him?” And she used to answer very innocently – “Ask the great Magician!” Not many could understand her intellectual reply.

There in party, to keep herself at best, she re-arranged her Saree pallu, waved her fingers through her hairs. Sometimes she arranged her diamond ring, such that that may appear clearly to others. She expected may many will praise her with some honest words – “You look great!” There were compliments on her saree colour and matching embroidery blouse match. “Fantastic”, ”Cool or better to say Kewl” but she was little happy on these fake metro praises. Only the mother of Kushagra hugged her and appreciated her. She knew Kushagra’s family very well. They loved her as their own daughter.

They were returning from the party.

The car was passing the MG Road’s darker part. Street light were faint. In car CD player was playing on and Abhilash was lost in his classical tunes. And there was a different tune playing in Priyangini’s head. Not being a beautiful, honestly she had little complaint to God since she was a girl, whenever she used to compare herself to her sister. But she was making herself happy for being whatever she way. She used to think – “To other persons, I don’t have complaint much – as I don’t deserve the praises.“ On the other hand Abhilash praised her a lot, and pampered her, but she had unsaid complaints against Abhilash’s false praises.

She did introspection of herself . What she wished actually, ”To be praised or not to be praised!” But the thing accepted that she was not beautiful.

Car was running smooth in night. The windows of cars were down. And in the cool breeze entering into, she was lost in her world.

“You are beautiful!” was the most well heard lie, she heard from Abhilash. And when one day when she was touching her pimples in front of mirror, Abhilash suddenly came from back, and lovingly said, “These are just the lovely spots on my moon.” And there were such hundreds praising lies she heard from him. Many a times she used to get irritated with his lies, so one day she thought to say him – “you are the cutest lier of world.” Turning her head towards right, she smiled on her cutest driver.

She was thinking so many odd and even things and like their life, the car moved on.

Suddenly she shouted “Abhilash, STOP CAR!”

Abhilash could not understand but broke hard. With a screech the car stopped.

“I saw something on road!”


“Perhaps a puppy or cat.”

“Huh! Then!”

It was around 11:30 night and road was almost empty and the area was not safe either. But she opened the door without thinking a second and got down.

Abhilash followed her. She was right. There was a puppy walking on three legs. The fourth leg was bleeding. Perhaps some passing vehicle injured that poor creature.

She picked the puppy up. Abhilash knew that it was useless to suggest her anything right now. In back light of car, he could see clearly. Holding the puppy made her hands full of blood. ‘Her Saree may get blood stains’ – thinking Abhilash gave handkerchief to her.

She wrapped the puppy in handkerchief and then took out back seat towel to wrap the puppy. And holding puppy in her lap they reached home. Abhilash did not speak much, but he was hearing what she was telling. Abhilash was against pets and the puppy was not good looking either.

At home till late night, she did the first aid of puppy and Googled the net for some near by veterinary doctor. It was an ugly puppy and there were peculiar black and white patches on its whole body.

One week passed off.

Though puppy was better now but it still used to walk on three legs – fourth leg needed some time to get cured – as the veterinary doctor said. Priyangini bought extra milk, dog biscuit, dog soap, dog shampoo, towels, dog vitamins, and so many dog etc – Abhilash could not oppose as she was happy with it.

One morning when Abhilash returned from the gym and Priyangini brought him the glass of juice. The little puppy was playing with his shoes. “Masy!” he called the puppy. And the puppy left the shoe there only and looked innocently towards Abhilash.

“Looks so nice na” Abhilash said looking towards the puppy. Picking the puppy up he again repeated “Looks so nice na.” In fact he said so to make Priyangini happy.

“Sometimes you can tell the truth na. Do false praise always work? If something is not beautiful don’t tell that’s beautiful. Can’t you say the truth?” Priyangini seemed shouting unexpectedly. Perhaps she wanted to tell so since long.

Abhilash was shocked but it was not unexpected. The truth was hitting him. Same type of question Priyangini asked before marriage.

There was pin drop silence. Masy jumped out of Abhilash’s lap.

They knew what happened. She went inside house. Abhilash reclined on the cane chair closing his eyes. Another minute, inside the eyes, his pupils were wet. He recalled the day when in park she had said “If I am not beautiful, why do you lie – you are beautiful. I wish to hate your lie. But I can’t …! Abhilash, you may find a better girl than me …”

Like as usual, within minutes the storm subsided. She was again there standing behind him. With her ever soft touch, she wiped the tears.

“Geyser is on. Will not you go for bath. Dirty boy!” She tried to make him easy after teasing.

Still closed eyes, feeling the touch of her palms, he hold them with his both hands. He kissed her both hands and made her sit on the handle of the chair.

She sat on the handle. Holding her with left hand, putting the head on her side, he closed his eyes again. And holding her, he was murmuring…..
“I am poor in speaking truth but I am rich with words that you wish to be heard… !”
I always said – “You are beautiful. Did I ever said – You look beautiful?”
“Priya… not many beauty queens will pick up a sick puppy from the street.”
“Not many will have such caring hands to wipe the tears.”
“I am a man, because you made me feel so.”
“These hairs have a fragrance that I can feel…” And his fingers played with her hairs and she felt the pleasant waves in them.

After a brief silence, he opened his eyes and said, “Your mirror may lie to you….but not my eyes….look into my eyes.”

And the little “Masy” was playing there.