Life’s Changing Tunes – 4

During the govt job, first thing I bought was a laptop computer. In govt office, though there were good computers for work ( at my office only) , carrying a laptop was exclusively style display. But I needed that for my specific set of hardware and software combinations, that was not possible in office systems. And the laptop I bought with hard earned salary and with support from Ma , is too dear to me. While I bought that, that laptop was packed in a TV kinda size box. I carried that laptop box on my legs. I did not wanted to give a jerk on that. Now I feel to cry, when I see at airports, the laptop bags keep rolling during/after security check ups.

I did small puja of laptop at home. But before that one intresting episode here. My younger sister , Pinky was most eager to see the laptop. I entered the house around 8 pm in night. She was away. I took out laptop from the box and kept the laptop in other room to play a gimmick with her. The box I kept in Ma’s room. She came in house and after seeing laptop big box, she said first to put that in Puja room. I said – “not necessary”. She wanted to put some traditional values in me 🙂 She picked up the box without checking the laptop inside and kept in Puja room. She then did small puja and said to open that. There was nothing, as I had already taken laptop out. She was about to cry – why did I took the laptop before and also did not told her in time. 🙂 Anyway being younger, she did not beat me up 🙂

Anyway laptop of my own, year 2004. I had to carry that to office. I did not had motorcycle. Only other  conveyance for the small town was bicycle or rickshaw. Carrying a laptop on bicycle and returning home late night was not safe. I changed the bag of laptop. I used a general office big bag, laptop embedded inside. Kisi ki buri najar na lage. I used to carry laptop on bicycle.  At office for visitors – it was piece of ajooba.  As I was ‘sir’ for the visitors – they did not mingled with me to see the piece.  Somedays, when it was really late, I used to keep the laptop in office only.