Life’s Changing Tunes – 3

A Bagful of books, and a suitcase of cloths and laptop embedded in that. I got down the AC III tier. As the train was entering the Bangalore, I was looking towards the building – may In some of these houses, I can stay. I saw hundreds going to their duties – may I also go like them. Leaving the govt. job that too of home town was not an easy decision. But I had taken that.

And I was staying in the paying guest. I had to prepare for the Job market ! I had to sell myself, my personality, my knowledge. Who will recognise them ? Will some one worth ? But to the field, I had to dedicate was a tough task for me. For few days I came to cybercafe regularly .After that took the decision of taking a broadband at home itself. As internet was the only vehicle – that was the root of my career and search for career. Month passed on – there was nothing new to said to be home. I Bought my first mobile, other wise at home town there it was not needed. By the time, I had choose out my field of specialization. Now I had to present myself.

I send my resume to my friends for cross verification. They seemed getting irritated. I needed confidence with a good resume. Good resume means – how the best way – we represent ourselves. I took professional help. From Delhi the lady helped me to make my resume good.

In the meantime, I prepared my fundamentals strong and prepared with my last work experiences. i put my resume to the job sites. Within 3 days, the call started coming. Ranging from HP, IBM, Mindtree, Kolkata Chennai and Pune. I had wide options of opportunities. I went for interviews. The frequency need to be matched and each others expectations. I appeared for walk ins.

And within 15 days I got the job. And I had my own tag to hang, that was not there in govt job. I had money, more than expected. I had designation, and I landed with satisfaction – for step 1.

Kiss of Red Skins

I should not have written all these – but today I can’t help myself , its all unbearable – and I have to write all these !

In day time mostly, I see her along with her friends. Their thin waist and sharp features are remarkable.Their disciplined walk along the same road, I do really admire. Their walk seems, they are walking on ramp. Should I mention about their pink- red skin. Above all, her and her friend’s hard work everybody praises in our locality.

On our personal interactions, she always used to praise my cooking – And many a times, she used to sneak into my kitchen. It was great, when she used to come alone. But when she used to came along with her brother and her niece and nephew’s friends, I really did not liked that. One day she came along with her parents ! Anyway I do like to make adjustment and maintain a private territory many a times.

Everything was going right. Neither she, nor I had any complaints against each other. Beauty is to see, not to touch, Beauty is to touch not to destroy…

Day before yesterday, I was ready to go to office. Just I left the house, near to gate- she kissed me. It was too much in the hot season of May.

It all happened just before I started for office.Yeah she kissed me on my chest. I came back in the house again along with her. Her kiss was hot. I took out my shirt. But it was still unbearable. Why she did so ! I picked her hands and moved her away. Thanks that she did not kissed me on the main road. I like to forgive many a times, as well as I wanted to forget everything.

In night I slept. She was there near to me ! Near to my pillow. I got up feeling her touch. How she came there, I could not believe in dark !

I switched on the light. She was there along with one dozen friends. Her demand of Cookies and Chocolates and all my affection I can meet, but her presence along with all her friends is now unacceptable. Seems, what a sweet person I am !

I am tired of these little lovely ladies, though they are very hard workers and innocent too, but I am tired of these omnipresent creatures – the small red ants.

Though I keep my house clean like any other Bengali house. But now, their intrusion in my territory is unacceptable. Because apart from kitchen and book selves, they are present in bed cushion, shirts, computer speakers, keyboard, and believe it or not inside one of the computer hard disk !