Thanks Today

Though there are so many things can be written for today. But two small episodes, I wish to put here.

Today I got up at 5 AM. Wah wah !

While returning from temple, I called Ma. Picking the phone, she showered her blessings.
“Ma I wanted to call you in very morning itself, but I thought you may be sleeping ( though she is an (too) early riser, but I thought, may she was sleeping). “

“No I got up early today, its the morning, when you came to house…” she was telling.
“By this time, you had arrived…….Whats time now ?” she asked to confirm something.
“9:43” – I replied after seeing the time in mobile.
“No, not now, you was still in my womb, by this time…the pains started..” – she corrected her memory.

And that Friday, after her half finished Santoshi Ma Puja ( the katha was later completed by Baba ) , I was born.

A thin baby boy with a relatively bigger head. There were little muscles on my body, but bones were strong (she believed). Seeing my big head, the other colony kids used to make fun of me as “Coconut Head” that time. Later it became a normal head . Proof : my photos 🙂 . When I do feel hungry and make tantrums, she says, even as infant I used to get hungry in the very dark mornings and disturb her (already half) sleeps and make her wake up 🙂 .

And today grown with the parental care, as a complete man, I do pray my parents today.


While I returned from Iskcon after performing puja, I bought the Temple sweets to distribute among my colleagues. Four packs, I opened in the our team room itself. Seeing the variety of sweets in all four packets, almost everyone felt tempted to taste more types. Nothing wrong, I wished let people taste more type of temple sweets, so did I bought the variety. Neither I tasted a single nor I felt to pick one, while distributing.

Everyone enjoyed the sweets and they asked from where I bought. From the jollying crowd, the design guy ‘K’ , said – “Prem sir, you have half of this sweet and extended his hand towards my me, which held the half sweet in his four fingers. It was as if, while I used to give the first cake of piece to Ma, and she will bite the pie and will offer me back. This particular guy, I have requested and sweetly scolded many a times, not to call me Sir – as my personal preference. But some persons are really different, but because of their small gestures they become your favs.

A Moment Of Now

Thou, give me some strength,
To live a moment –
And all the moments,
Will make my day.

Tomorrow – I don’t know,
I will not ask you either.
But I wish to live this moment.
A moment of now.

Give me a moment,
And gift me,
At the moment –
Myself – A true smile.

I do feel too dark,
To open the eyes,
And get glimpse of moment.
Give my eyes a light.
Of hope – I want to survive –
Just for a moment of now.

My hands are too weak,
To catch the moment.
I want the little courage,
To hold them –
The opportunity of now.

Even if, I failed,
After tears, I will smile,
But give me a moment,
And all the moments,
Will make my day.

Now I don’t ask for,
All the marvels of yours,
Spread around –
The real and illusions,
As they seem to me.

All happiness at once –
I am not suitable for.
So just give me, a moment.
And I wish to just live that.

Sprinkle a cool stream,
Over my dry face,
And cracked lips,
For a moment of now.

Show me a ray,
Of  faint light,
For a moment of now.

Give me a bit of courage,
For a moment of now.

And all the moments,
Will make my day.