Sweet, Sweat and Orkut

First let me tell that everything is fine at home. As being an elder of someone gives you respect as well as responsibility especially when your loved ones believe in your abilities. And the superpower is the driving force and we are the dolls to follow the conscience.Your wishes have worked fine like past.
My present stay at home has own benefits at least to the satisfaction of my parents as an obedient child. Why not avail the closeness of bosom of mother, the shadow of father before I leave to more painful world again. Of course their blessings will be with me and I shall leap forward much faster in that world too. A silence captivates me while I think about the missing of their daily company like most of you feel.

Next are the toughest lessons of my profession underway, as my aim of life, in the system, which needs to improve much faster.

At last, yesterday I have tried Orkut registration to fail, which tells that someone must invite me there. Please invite me there if someone can.
And no thanks in advance from me because its a some kind of network and surely will benefit you too ( No wonder it’s my joking habit without using similes).

Sleeping — Me too !!

I shall like to join your sleeping bloggers’ community. If there are new readers they should know that I have blogroll entries who wake up for a day get tired of writing and sleep for many days again. But hope my community will drive the writing wagon as I sleep. Actually I am not sleeping but much busy in some family responsibilities. You may pray for my family’s happiness.

Civilizations vanished along with most of the buildings, proud, glory and selfishness but the scriptures on the leaflets told much about them and the writer became immortal. Let the pen not stop.

अनुगूंज 10 – एक पाती सिन्दुरिया के नाम

प्रिय मित्रों,
रविजी का आमंत्रण आज रवि के सिन्दुरिया किरणों में दिखा । वो भी ठीक उस समय जब प्रभात किरणें आम के पेङ की कोपलों पर पङ रही थी । एक-एक डाल, पात सब सिन्दुरिया रंग में रंगे थे। सिन्दुर का नाम लेते ही, किसी नवेली दुलहिन की सिन्दुरिया माँग याद आ जाती है । जब शादी की सुबह सिन्दुर भरे माँग में नारी, सौन्दर्य एवं ममत्व की साक्षात् प्रतिमा जान पङती है । नव दम्पत्ति के सिन्दुरी सपने, उन्हें क्षितिज पर तैराती भी रहती है ।Akshargram Anugunj

अभी इतनी दूर क्षितिज पर न जाकर बस दस मीटर की दूरी पर स्वतः उगे हुए आम की छाया में चलें । हमारे घर के सामने एक छोटी सी फूलों की बगिया है । आठ-दस साल पहले उसी के दूर कोने में फेंके गये आम की गुठलियों से काफी पौधे उग आये थे । भूगर्भ से आम के उन नन्हें पौधों की गुठलियों से साबुत गरी निकालकर मैं उसका एक कोना पत्थर पर घिस लेता । बस बन जाती थी सीटी हमारी । पैं – पों वाली सीटी को कमरे में बजाने से माँ को काफी चिढ थी । तब से सीटी बाहर ही बजने लगी । इसी सीटी की आवाज में बढने लगा, एक आम का पौधा जिसको मैनें उखाङ कर सीटी न बनायी थी ।

फिर चला गया मैं बाहर पढने के लिए। पढाई के दौरान उस आम के पौधे के साथ संपर्क टूट गया । फिर तो उस पौधे की डालियाँ बढकर छोटा छितरैया पेङ भी बन गयी । करीब दो साल के बाद एक दिन बगान की सफाई के दौरान , पिताजी को मैंने कहा कि इस गुठली से उगे आम के नन्हे पेङ को काट क्यों न दिया जाए । यह आम का पेङ बङा होकर अपने छाँव से पुरा बगान ही लील लेगा, मैं फिर फूल के पौधे कहाँ रोपूँगा , आवारा गुठली वाले आम का फल क्या मीठा होगा । वो मेरी बात को अनमने ढंग से सुन रहे थे । क्योंकि वृक्षप्रेमी पिताजी का अगर बस चले तो हमारे पुरे घर के परिसर को वन-विभाग में बदल दें । मेरे तर्कों पर पिताजी कहने लगे कि यह संभवतः सुरजापूरी आम का पेङ होगा । सुरजापूरी आम हमारे इलाके का मध्यम आकार का खुब मीठा आम होता है । पुनः मेरे अनुरोध पर कहने लगे कि सिर्फ एक साल इसका आम देख लेते हैं, अगर बीजु जैसा खट्टा हुआ तो काट देना । कहकर उन्होनें जङ की मिट्टी को फिर ठीक कर दिया और लटकते डालों को बाँस की कमाची से खङा कर दिया ।

दिन बीतने लगे, धूप, वर्षा की मार को सहकर वह छोटा पेङ भी बन गया । एक वसंत उसमें मुकुल भी आए । कोयल की कुहू – कुहू भी सुनाई पङने लगी । पानी डाला जाने लगा उसके जङ में। फल क्या होगा पता नहीं मगर पिताजी कहीं से लाकर दवाईयों का छिङकाव भी कर गये । मंजर से टिकोले , फिर टिकोले आम में परिवर्घित हुए । अब यह आम अपने बङे आकार के कारण न तो मध्यम आकार के सुरजापूरी जैसा देखने में लगता था , न ही छोटका बीजु जैसा । पहरेदारी होने लगी आम की । कभी दूसरों का आम झटकने वाला मैं उस्ताद , अपने आमों को किसी बाहरी आदमी को छुने भी नहीं देता ।

अब इन आमों का रंग सिन्दुरी होने लगा। एकाध पककर टपक गये। धरती माँ की संपत्ति को पेङ ने प्रसाद स्वरुप प्रदान किया । फिर भी हमारे घर की रीति के अनुसार भगवान को प्रसाद चढा कर हम सबने उस आम को चखा। कभी कभी नियमित पकवानों को जब पूजा-पाठ के ख्याल से पकाया जाता है तो उसका स्वाद दुगुना हो जाता है । मगर पूजा में चढे आम का मीठापन पेङ के बाकी आमों में भी बना रहा । आमों का स्वाद तो काफी मीठा है ही, सुरजापूरी का स्वाद से यह स्वाद कुछ विशिष्ठ भी है । चार साल हो गये इस प्रसंग के । आसपास के पेङों में आम आये न आये इस सिन्दुरिया का आँचल खाली न जाता है । आजकल लदा पङा है यह आमों से , पिताजी भारी हो रहे डालों को बासों के दर्जन भर सहारे से टिकाये हैं । अब तो इसे काटने का याद पङते ही देह सिहर जाता है । बहुत पहले जब वह छोटा ही था, ठीक उसके जङ के पास घर की नियमित चाहरदीवारी भी खङी करनी पङी थी। मगर पंचफुटिया चाहरदीवारी से परे, आजकल सङक पर वह बच्चों के लिए कच्चे ही सही मगर वह कुछ आम टपकाता ही रहता है ।

सिन्दुरिया की प्रेरणा उन हजारों आवारा गुठलियों के लिए भी है , जिन्हें संरक्षण चाहिए विकास के लिए । जिनमें अधिकतर खट्टे बीजु हो सकते है परन्तु बाकी थोङे को भी अगर अपनी क्षमताओं एवं प्रतिभाओं को दिखाने का मौका मिले तो परिणाम बेहतर होंगे । आवश्यकता है तो कुछ वृक्ष प्रेमियों की ।

प्रेम ।

Dreams of the Midnight

The dreams are the integral part of any person’s sleep. The rapid eye movements (REMs) inside the closed eyes are the evident of it. Some of them are remembered till morning but mostly forgotten. Some of them are capable enough to shake up the bed and the person will start trembling. Some are funny and some are inspiring. Some dreams come as the daily routine too.

Let’s come to my childhood. During the childhood almost before the exams, several times I saw that my pen got stuck in the class and other students submitted their answer sheets. Have been taught that one must revise the answers till last seconds available, I never submit the answer paper before the last bell rung even if my paper is complete quite before. The reason of my dreams can be tracked back to exam-awareness and any remaining preparation and this was reflected by the sub-conscious brains.

Now a days dreams like unable to run on track and unable to write on exams have stopped. During my project months, I used to debug my JSP codes in dreams and had got up several times in the sleep. Now a day the nature of dreams has changed and they got decorated more with the positive attitude.

But before some important event of life, the dreams do give messages to me. Just previous night of the interview of my present job, I saw a positive indication dream too. I hided the dream from everyone until I got the final joining letter. Like me everyone may have interesting as well as funny or fearsome dreams too. May someone have dreams of future life, career, partner and so on. One’s dreams may be the complement of the dream of other person too. Thus it’s human nature that we shall like to share the dreams and feel easy. And we the have the liberty to present the dreams in poetry too.

Jokes apart! Now come to a dream of one of my fellow blogger, who use to see it regularly. He needs the explanation of the particular dream. You may follow the link below. The post is written in Hindi and you may give your comments there in English too if you wish to do so. You may tie-up your seat belts too.

Life is beautiful

Suppose a needy student came to you for the necessary guidance in his exam papers. You guided him in the precious morning hours. He could not pay his fees regularly. One day you hear that he turned out as the topper in the paper you guided. Are not you paid more than the money!

Suppose you told a semi-stranger about some address and the way to reach there and the way he should perform at the destination house. Next day you hear that he reached there and followed exactly what you told. Are not you paid more than thanks!

Suppose you are writing constantly and find that there are rare comments on the posts. You kept writing. Incidentally one day statistics tell that there are readers who rarely miss to read you. On the busiest day too one finds out time to read you before leaving the office. Are not precious words than comments written!

Suppose one night you are running on your station platform along with the stranger couple who have a kid too, to carry their luggage from last coach to the first coach. As soon as they got into, the train started and they could not even see you back. Years after at a metropolitan station, your mother and sister with a heavy luggage are desperate to buy the ticket. A stranger guy who was standing nearby offered to help them. And he bought them the desired ticket and left the place. Are not you paid more than gratitude from the couple with the kid !

विश्वास का एक आवरण

जिन्दगी की खुली किताब के
श्वेत-श्याम उन पन्नों को,
मौसमी बयारों से बचाता है
विश्वास का एक आवरण ।

अनजानी राहों का मुसाफिर
गलियों से जब गुजरता है,
फीकी हँसियों से बचाता है
विश्वास का एक आवरण ।

मैखाने का खनकते प्यालों ,
धुमिल चेहरों के धुँए के बीच,
अनास्क्ति की चादर ओढाता
विश्वास का एक आवरण ।

राही जब थकने लगता है,
सराय जब पास बुलाता है,
शक्तिपुंज सा न रुकने देता
विश्वास का एक आवरण ।

Bihar – the write thing ! (8) – Health Services

At our district civil hospital a dead body wrapped in grass and polyethylene was carried. At the Bihar government hospitals most doctors used to be absent during the duty hours but busy in the private clinic practices. In the present President’s rule they are forced to be there on duty. So the dead body was laid on the bench and by the resident surgeon the necessary check ups were going on before the postpartum with the ready sharp knives. What he found that the dead body’s pulse was still vibrating. The so called dead body waked up after necessary saline and medication.

Imagine how many live bodies might have been killed in absence of qualified medical professional and postpartum used to be mere a paper work and dissection only. Long live president’s rule in Bihar!

Believe it or not but it’s a fact.

Previous posts in this series .

Bihar – the write thing! – (6) – Hanging democracy. (A Hindi post)
Bihar – the write thing! – (5) – Tea Production
Bihar – the write thing! – (4) – Common man and Media.
Bihar – the write thing! – (3) – Democracy
Bihar – the write thing! – (2) – Common Life
Bihar – the write thing! – (1) – Origin as a State

Why I use “ji”after names ?

Many of you might have noticed that I use ‘ji’ at the end of names frequently. Last days I was questioned from my respected Sinha sir that why I should use them for younger bloggers. His question was obviously correct. Using the suffix ‘ji’ is a way for some elder’s name to show the respect for the person. This tradition exists in Hindi speaking regions of India. In the Maithil culture of Bihar and UP too the younger person’s name is added with ‘ji’. Many of the other cultured families shall use this suffix also after the name of a younger too. In the Bengali culture, daughters are called as Ma (mother) and sons as babu or baba (father). In addition there are other words too for respect.

To give him the reason for this need, I showed him many of my inbox mails which were missing either salutation or their own name at last and in some cases both were missing. Best thing I showed him was that the letters coming from the foreign countries had mostly the proper format. Where as most of the Indian senders did not feel the need of these formalities. That was the objective nature of the people. The information revolution has taken place. My contemporary net users must be using e-mails; many of them might have forgotten how a postcard of 50 paisa appears. Even if the emails are too fast to be compared with the conventional snail mail, the basic structure need not be lost. The emails itself have made our life easy to write and send, and in return we have turned as careless. Earlier during the school days, I have been taught that there are separate marks for each component of a letter given in the exam paper. Need not to repeat, I never miss these student life lessons in the cyber age too. Sir affirmed, when I saw him the letters of his other students too.

Now coming back to blogs, next thing I told him that the virtual world is too dry to spend on it. People are highly self-centric. The concern for the person sitting at the other end is missing. Sometimes the comments given by the people will be simply useless. Even if they have some use they are again dry pixels only. Every creature likes to get respected. Every person likes his name get called. I mix up name and respect symbol ‘ji’ to remove the dryness of the net. Sometimes I use the parallel suffix like babu, bhai, da too. I am searching the person who will scold me back for my new found habit.

For the last 8 years, in contact with the internet, I saw it as the virtual mirror image of real world rather than virtual world. It has been the integral part of the life at least for me. The net is my learning and communicating place. Many of us spend our considerable hours on it. Why to miss the real world faith and respect here. My presence as my post or comment, as not being anonymous here is again like my mirror presence. I agree that the sense of elder or younger is lost in the English bloggers community. But instead of equaling everyone or making them younger, I shall prefer to respect a blogger; even if he is of half of my age.

Last but not least this habit of mine is a big bouquet I got from my Hindi bloggers and I use the flowers of the bouquet to return back to all Indians who are on net. When I don’t use it some where knowingly, I spread more respect in the content. After all to whom I communicate, I keep enough share of time for them to type few more alphabets. In other words, I try to sprinkle dew drops in this vast dessert of affection. I am a proud owner of few alphabets to give if not a great thing to my readers and whose blogs I enjoy to read.

Respected Sinha sir was silently staring towards me.

Socio-economic Drivers – Bugged Improvements


My Laptop’s cousins if imported will have to pay 7 percent customs duty. Another laptop’s carrier,the finance minister P.Chidambaram, and his improved budget version is again a setback for the willingness of buying computers for the mammoth middle class. Though the prices of computers have been the integral multiples of the common man’s salary , they were taking courage to buy one for their children and for their personal business needs. Most of this stratum used to forecast for the falling prices of computers. If the processing power of the past PCs and present are compared relative to the prices, the prices have reduced fast. But again it went beyond the easy purchasing power of willing customers. Instead of the present policy, the taxes should have been determined for different categories of customers. They might have given the tax relaxation for the personal purchases and the tax burden on corporate purchases to utilize the information revolution.

Let’s come to the tax exemption limit, which have lured the female and senior citizens after giving them lollipops of tax exemption for government’s image making. Personally when I calculated the tax payable by my mother the gain was just an illusion. The vanished concept of standard deduction and raised tax exemption from Rs. 1.25 lakh to 1.35 lakh is going to benefit very little. Unlike the personal case, there are lakhs of female earners who are the main earner of the family. Dipping the tax exemption lollipop in Rs.10,000 cream shall remain a joke only. For the senior citizens the raise of tax exemption ceiling from Rs. 1.5 lakh to 1.85 lakh is also an effort to come into limelight. The dramatic budgetary episode of 0.1 % tax on each cash withdrawal of amount Rs. 10,000 from bank is rolled back. Such kind of proposals and rollback is something like holding someone’s neck and let him free to feel a relaxed. The similar proposals of Rs. 25,000 and above from current account is worth discussing again. The common man is already ignorant of the discussions on budgetary proposals and remained entangled into the lighter discussion traps. And the result is that, the communist but economist finance minister succeeded what he planned to do with the populist budget.


Now come back to the society. The All India Muslim Personal Law Board has made a parallel law system alongside the civil law. The triple verbal Talaq which seemed more like a triple jump for man to mostly landing into another marriage became a hurdled jump. In mediation of qazi only the talaq can take place. The personal law states that qazi shall first try ways of reconciliation. In case of divorce the bridal price (meher) is to be paid to the wife. Then the jewellary and similar gifts are split and maintenance is to be settled upon. Now the law gave the women a bit freedom out of veil but the law ultimately benefits the man. The female became a passive element, whose price, settlements are thought upon. This new laws shall take time to be implemented but shall benefit the women to appeal for justice.

But being a personal law the particular society needs to look into more human attitudes even if they resist the civil law to follow.

Do not these bugs which have tendency to trap the common man and make them fool need to be sorted out and to update the social-economic drivers?