ISKCON Bangalore – 2

At my Yoga Retreat Classes ( level -1 ) at ISKCON, on the first day, they showed my neglible status ( as well the whole class ) in the infinite universe through an audio-visual presentation and at the same time showed the importance of free will ‘the atma’ one have.

In my internal process of thought, there was an unusual turmoil. That was a different sunday, when the lecturers instead of making fun like my friends, used to motivate for introspection. On being asked about being a part of wrong event and the answer of the question”why should I suffer?”, they answered properly. The answer lied in bitter truth- I am responsible for that. (It was again the story of five horses and chariot …) Though the concepts of reincarnation taught in the class is still to be understood by me fully, preoccupied by modern science, but still the universal phenomenon of happenings being controlled by superpower could never be denied.

Then interactive discussions went on topic – “controlling by superpower and free floating free will – consequent sufferings and enjoyment “. Interesting point of discussion was “we remember the supreme, mostly in the hours of need, expectations and forget mostly in the hours of happiness”. To ease out again ,the answer came – the pains at one level is sanctioned for our goodness again. Unless the free will accepts its limitations and goes against the laws of nature, the level increases. In all situations ,the free will must dedicate sufferings to the same, who always provided the plenty of opportunities for enjoyment too.

Other post in the series : ISKCON Bangalore -1

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